• Archangel Metatron’s cube Mediation & Healing

Archangel Metatron’s cube Mediation & Healing

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Product Description

Archangel Metatron’s cube Mediation & Healing 

At ₹111 INR or $ 6


Metatron’s Cube watches over the flow of energy in creation and provides a connection to the divine. 

Archangel Metatron’s Cube is balanced and provides a visual focal point for meditation. It can replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

Benefits of this Meditation: 

o Connects you to mystical 3-dimension cube used by the Archangel Metatron to watch over the flow of energy connecting earth and the divine

o Opens you to connect with underlying patterns of our universe

o Helps you replace negative thoughts with positive ones

o Reminds us of our personal power and use it to do good

Join our Meditation and Healing to maximise the benefits from these powerful energies.


Time: 7.00 pm IST, 16th May, 2022


*For more details, contact Siddhi on 8928734540*

Or send a whatsapp message: https://wa.me/+918928734540

Please join our Telegram Group to know more: https://t.me/joinchat/UdFhWgD5n-IzDcgl

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