• Quan yin Violet light meditation and Healings

Quan yin Violet light meditation and Healings

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Product Description

Quan Yin’s Violet Light Meditation + Healing Sessions

Swathed in white, standing atop a lotus pedestal, a willow branch in one hand, a vase of pure water in the other, Bodhisattva Guan Yin is a deity of mercy and compassion.

“She who observes all sounds of suffering in the world”—that is the meaning of the name Guan Yin.

Many have described her energy as soft yet powerful, magnetic, very yin or feminine) in its essence. Those who have experienced this beautiful energy feel uplifted, peaceful, connected to the Source / Creator and say it is gentle, loving, and intense and works on a deep level.

These Healing sessions are your ascension partners as they will be balancing the spiritual centers (the chakras) whilst directing the healing to the mental and emotional body, the physcial body's many layers such as the endocrine, the central nervous system as well as the skeletal, and circulatory system.

The violet flame energy of meditation and lavender flame healings are designed to help you raise higher fro. Whichever stage you're at.

This can support you wit:

• feel whole and at peace

• connect you to your heart and heal the emotions you hold there – grief, sadness, love, compassion etc.

• Be open to embracing life rather than resisting or bracing yourself against it.

• Strengthen your immune system and sooth the nervous system

• Release old Karmic/soul patterns, thought forms and behaviours that no longer support you so you can integrate new ways of being and feeling

• Feel uplifted and centred to yourself

• Release deep emotional blockages that are preventing you from moving forward

• open up to experience more kindness, compassion and forgiveness towards yourself and others

• Raise your consciousness awareness. What I like to call the ‘pause’. Instead of falling into old habits, you pause and from that place choose how to interact with the world around you.

• Release stress and pain held in your system

• Heal the physical body for energetic imbalances

And much more

Energy Exchange: Original price: ₹3,999 for 11 days 3 Days offer Price: ₹1111 for 11 Days

Timings: 7.00 to 7.30 pm

For more details, contact Siddhii on 8928734540

Or send a whatsapp message: https://wa.me/+918928734540

Please join our Telegram Group to know more: https://t.me/joinchat/UdFhWgD5n-IzDcgl

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