Lemon jasper bracelet
In healing, Jasper is recognised as the “supreme nurturer”. It holds and supports during times of stress, bringing a sense of completeness and tranquillity. Yellow is associated with the Solar Plexus, personal power and identity.
Jasper facilitates in balancing and aligning the physical, mental and emotional bodies, it is a stone of strength, courage, determination, protection and absorbs all types of negative energies.
Jasper stimulates creativity and imagination, encouraging ideas into action. It can really assist people who need more focus, organization abilities, and motivation. It is also said to be good for protection from radiation.
Helps you through those tough times in life
Absorbs negative energy from the body
Overcome embarrassment of eating in public
Helps you to complete those tasks you have been putting off
Provides a better understanding of relationships
Re-Energises the soul
Attracts positive friendship
Helps during long periods of fasting
Balances the yin and yang energy.